Monday, 17 May 2010

Interaction design meets architecture

I've recently been thinking about whether interaction/user experience design can be elevated to the same level as architecture.

In many ways I think there are significant similarities between the two. Considering the increasing amount of time people are spending digitally interacting with systems and each other, this field is certainly growing in importance within society.

With this in mind, I spotted this article about Interaction Design and Architecture on Johnny Holland. The videos explore the point at which architecture and interaction design meet. This one is fantastic

Dan Hill-Keynote: New Soft City from Interaction Design Association on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Shantell Martin talks about the power of collaboration

Talking about collaboration she says
"... and they get to put a little spin on your work and you get to take that and spin it back. And the more you do that the more you create something that is propelling it self much higher than you could ever do by yourself."