Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Keep it simple stupid

This article asks the interesting question of weather the traditional web is dead and if we are moving to a more app based model? A model where we access online content via apps rather than the browser window.

The ipad will certainly increase the amount of content accessed via applications, I guess the next question is whether a standard application platform will appear for none mac devices, will this be an Adobe platform Flex or Air or HTML 5 and jquery. 

What ever the answer, and their is probably not just one, the key lessons to be learnt from the app model is that successful solutions  "distill their apps down to the very basics and focus on only the most essential features"

As they say: keep it simple stupid.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Crowdsource video

This is brilliant, I wonder how long until we see this as a TV ad.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Genius, a capillary calendar

Ink Calendar makes use of the timed pace of the ink spreading on the paper to indicate time. The ink is absorbed slowly, and the numbers in the calendar are ‘printed ‘ daily. One a day, they are filled with ink until the end of the month. The calendar enhances the perception of time passing and not only signaling it. The aim of the project is to address our senses, rather than the logical and conscious brain.
The ink colors are based on a spectrum, which relate to a “color temperature scale”, each month having a color related to our perception of the weather on that month. The colors range from dark blue in December to three shades of green in spring or orange and red in the summer.


Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The problem is not ideas...

"The problem is not ideas, ideas are there, the real problem is to know which ideas you invest in and which ideas you give time to" – Ron Arad

Monday, 1 March 2010

Unique interface

Maybe the audience could txt messages onto their t-shirts and guitars??